Week 8 Reading and Writing

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This week is a review week in class and it involves some retrospection and thinking about the course and our work over the past couple of months. Looking at my reading and writing for this course, I feel pretty good. I think I have actually learned a lot from the readings and the reading notes assignments as I was not familiar with these stories before. I have also been happy with my stories and the inspiration that I have found from the original texts and I think the reading notes do a good job of getting me thinking about what new spin I will put on a story. 

As far as a favorite reading goes, I liked the Jakata anthology best. The stories were show and to the point and also included animals in many of them, which is something that I always enjoy. I also like that there is a list of new note taking strategies to try, as I hadn't heard of many of them before. One that I want to try soon is casting the characters in the story with movie characters. I am also happy with my class project and since I like the subject material, I don't mind doing the assignments. I think that my project would be my biggest accomplishment of writing in this class so far as I even edited it one week and that is a task I despise. 

For the image in this post, I chose to include a picture of Ravana's garden that Sita was being held at. I think it is a beautiful garden and also think that it is neat that it has its origin in the Ramayana, but now it has a physical location. 

Looking forward, I think I will try to try new note taking strategies as I have done some of the same techniques in the past assignments. I also need to learn to edit better!
