My Favorite Place

In August I went with the advertising department to Seoul and Busan, South Korea to a conference about advertising. While there we got to do some sightseeing and one on my favorite places we went was the Gamcheon Culture Village in Busan. It used to be a very poor part of town, but became a tourist attraction when artists from the area painted the houses in bright colors and made murals in the alley ways.

(personal photo)
An aerial view of the village.

One of the many murals in Gamcheon.


  1. Street art from Korea: how great, Blake! Museums are great for housing other kinds of art of course... but for street art, you need to go be in the streets. Fantastic! And that's something fun to explore online too, where people share pictures of street art. Here's a slideshow of street art from Mumbai! Iconic Mumbai Street Art :-)

    1. Professor Gibbs, thanks for sharing! I love the bright colors in the photos.

  2. Your visit to Seoul and Busan, South Korea looks exciting, Blake! The Gamcheon Culture Village in the city of Busan looks amazing and beautiful. When you visited the Gamcheon Culture Village, did you see any artists actually painting murals on the houses? Did you have a favorite mural that you saw? Was the whole city of Busan have painted murals on the streets or just this area of the city?


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