Learning Challenge: Are Audiobooks "Cheating"?

The audio book I finished today
"Does listening to an audio book count as reading a book," is actually a question I Googled this morning, so when I saw the article, Is Listening to an Audio book "Cheating?" I had to read it. The author, Daniel Willingham seems to think that listening to an audio book and reading a book are one and the same as in the end, you arrive at the same place. I think the same way. Finishing my first audio book today, I didn't notice much of a difference in reading and listening to the story. In fact, I preferred the audio book because I can listen to it while I am driving and you can even set a timer for it to shut off when you are getting ready for bed. I also liked the way I could hear the cadence and understand the meaning of what was being said better. Willingham discussed this as well and gave an example from Romeo and Juliet. He said that many high school student when reading it will not understand what "Wherefore art thou Romeo?" means because they will think that it means where as opposed to why, but if you hear an actress reading the line, you understand it better. I agree with this and don't think audio books are "cheating" but can actually convey meaning more effectively than books can at times.
