I really liked this video (
The Divided Brain) that is an RSA Animate video that breaks down the myth of the right hemisphere of the brain being creative and the left hemisphere of the brain being logical. I actually did not know that this was a myth until watching this video! The hemispheres are different thought and one of the ways they are different is the way in which attention is processed. The right hemisphere has open alertness and the left hemisphere is more focused on details. People that have damage to their right hemisphere can even experience loss in alertness because of this. Another part of the video that I had not heard about before was the way that the frontal lobe allows us to feel empathy by giving us a distance from the world. One thing that his made me curious about is how those who experience frontal lobe damage are affected. I have heard before that it is common for murderers and prolific violent criminals to have some form of damage to the brain. I will want to look this up and see if there is any articles about the correlation of the frontal lobe and empathy to those with damage to the frontal lobe committing violent crimes.
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