Reading Notes: PDE Ramayana, Section C

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In this reading assignment for Ramayana section c, I wanted to focus on setting as my note taking strategy. This part of the Ramayana has many different locations, but one that I think could be useful for me in my stories is the Ashok Grove where Hanuman finds Sita imprisoned my Ravana. Something cool about this Ashok Grove in the story is that it is believed to be in Hakgala Botanical Garden in Sri Lanka and even has a temple where Sita is said to have been held.

I could work this setting into my project in a couple of ways. I could make it the place where Hanuman's lover, Suvannamaccha, is being held captive and make a parallel to the way that Sita, Rama's lover was held captive there many years before. This would be if I chose to focus on the animals of the story. 

If I chose to go the path of the Humans of the Ramayana, I could make this garden like Central Park is in Humans of New York, where the photographer often goes and interviews and photographs the people that live there. 

This is also a good option to include if I chose to do the travel based project. The garden is very beautiful and would surely be a tourist destination that I could include. 

If I do not end up using the Ashok Grove in my project, I could always include it in a weekly story. It would be a good setting for many different types of stories. 
